Published January 27, 2025

Blooming good news 

Leading nature-friendly bulb supplier, Organic Bulbs, contributes hundreds of pounds worth of chemical-free bulbs to the Natural Neighbourhoods of Hackney. 

Joshua Loden,



Horticultural pioneer Organic Bulbs has generously contributed hundreds of pesticide-free bulbs to Natural Neighbours and our partner communities at and around Daubeney Primary School, Robin Hood Garden and Hackney Marshes Adventure Playground. The bulbs, including daffodilsalliums, tulips and grape hyacinths, will provide a dazzling display and a plentiful supply of pollen and nectar for pollinators like bees and butterflies.



  • The planting and sharing of bulbs helps bring nature’s joy into urban areas, especially where there might not have been much to feed human hearts and invertebrate stomachs before. At Daubeney Primary School bulbs will soon bloom where there had been nothing but plastic grass for years before.
  • The bulbs will provide pollen and nectar for insects and other invertebrates – leading to a healthy urban environment. These insects and invertebrates are a crucial foundation of the food chain that sustains larger creatures like hedgehogs, birds and bats. Sadly, in urban areas, these creatures are dying out due to a lack of food and habitat, and from too much chemical pollution. These bulbs, especially spread around the neighbourhood as they are now, will be vital in helping Hackney buzz, bloom and sing.

What Achieved

  • A buzz of community spirit, where dozens of people took part in bulb planting and taking pots and bulbs home with them – spreading the natural wealth and improving health.
  • The building of an incredible partnership with Organic Bulbs, who have sponsored our community projects with their wildlife-friendly bulbs. We are looking forward to working with them hand-in-gardening-glove in future to bring more nature-derived health and wellbeing to urban communities in Hackney, wider London and beyond.

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